July 5, 2008

HM King Abdullah Reading Blogs!

I didn't think I could have a higher opinion of HM King Abdullah, but it seems I was wrong. I was amazed to find out that today, HM had left a comment on fellow blogger Naseem's post, which was about the interview HM has given on Tuesday. In the comment, HM commended the discussion and emphasized the importance of freedom of expression, as long as it doesn't personally offend someone or works against the nation's interest. HM had also left a similar comment on Al-Dustour website.

I am absolutely amazed, that a leader of a country, who probably has a million things to do, takes the time to read the views and opinions of ordinary citizens to communicate with them. He's more humble than your average Jordanian. If only more politicians would follow in his footsteps!

Congratulations Nas! I'm only a tad jealous!


Nas said...

hahaha, "a tad jealous?"

well where would my blog be without the jordanian blogosphere and everyone in it who has my back?

And you're right: If only more politicians would follow in his footsteps!

The Observer said...

If only more politicians would follow in his footsteps!

ya ret! :)

Anonymous said...

signed to your rss