Observations of a Jordanian is officially a month-old! Don't worry, I won't be doing this every month, but it's a slightly significant milestone for me that I thought deserved a post. For some reason, don't ask me why, some people are actually liking the blog. Crazy, I tell ya. To be frank, when I made the blog, I had no clue what I'd do with it. I hadn't decided on what I would be writing about, I just thought I'd post whatever interested me. Post after post, I found myself sticking to the "serious" stuff, or local issues, and I was branded an "issues blogger", a title I find very flattering, especially considering that the Jordanian blogosphere doesn't have a lot of issue bloggers, and even fewer issue bloggerettes.
Anyway, i'm rambling. I just wanted to thank everyone who's been reading the blog, and fellow bloggers who've welcomed this newbie. Also, suggestions/ideas/criticism are always welcome. Besides, I can always delete your comments. :p

Alf mabrook...hoping to see much more you soon
Blogoversary Mubarak, Farah!!
It is significant because blogging changes your lifestyle. But when Nas promotes your blog, all of a sudden the weight of responsibility to do well comes with the joy :)
Arabista, thank you!
Kinzi, lol you have no idea! ;)
Mubarak, I like your sarcasm.
I was a wise decision of you to start this blog. I like what I have read here so far :)
Congratulations Farah, wish you all the best.
We need your voice :)
Nicole, thanks! I do too. ;)
Observer, thank you! I don't think my voice has ever been needed before. Most people try to tune it out lol :)
alf alf alf alf alf mabrook. you have quickly become one of my top 5 jordanian bloggers!
Thanks Nas! :D
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