Yesterday I went to the second night of the Amman Comedy Festival that was organized by the Greater Amman Municipality and it was a great show! First of all, just entering the place makes you feel like a VIP, with all the people smiling at you and telling you to have a great night. Not something you see in Amman everyday.
They started right on time, and we were sitting in the very first row, practically on stage that each stand up would make jokes about the people in the row (a married couple and a lady with 3 kids in particular became the targets of maaany jokes!). Dean Obeidallah from the Axis of Evil did a great job in hosting the show and Nemr Abou Nassar and of course Maz Jobrani were the funniest.
I have to give it to the municipality, they've been doing a great job with cultural events. You just feel like Amman's growing culturally, from the marathon which was very well-organized to other events like Fastwalk Jordan (it's not organized by the GAM but without their help wouldn't have been able to become as widespread as it is today).
These are a couple of videos I took, the first is of Nemr Abou Nassar and the second is a video of Maz Jobrani shaking it! A girl actually raised her hand in the middle of the show and asked him to do the infamous happy birthday dance, but sadly he didn't oblige...
Okay so I'm going on the 10th to see Russell Peters, the question is this: If these shows are censored, how am I going to get the full potential of Russell? It's not like his show is complete without saying the word "penis" 26 times!
Ow ba3deen ya 6anjara eesh goset el "anonymous" comment ile you accepted, haha! Panama ow katha...
Spammer Anon is a spammer xD
Glad you enjoyed it Farah! :D
I agree Shadi, but other than the dirty jokes the guy still is pretty damn hilarious :P
And cheers to GAM :D
Shadi, who said they were censored? Maybe they won't be as obscene, but I'm sure his act wont be clean (hehe rhymes). And I didn't approve it, I don't moderate comments. Stupid spammers.
Sade, haai :)
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