One of my favorite things about Amman during the Summer is Souk Jara, the annual summer flea market in Jabal Amman. This year it kicked off just last week. Booths situated on each side of one of the oldest streets in Amman, selling unique merchandise, from antique jewelry to locally made Jo Bedu t-shirts. There are also small tables reminiscent of a "kan zaman" setting where you can sit and munch on saj sandwiches and have yourself an argeeleh. The best thing about it though are the concerts by local bands every week. We've got some seriously talented Jordanians!

Yesterday's concert was by Jadal, an Arabic rock band formed a couple of years ago. It was my first time seeing them in concert, and I loved it. Listening to the combination of slang Arabic lyrics and electric guitar tunes while enjoying the view overlooking the Citadel and al Balad was really quite an experience. Plus, the drummer is the cousin of a personal friend who requested her name be mentioned here (so here you go, Diana :D).

My favorite song is "Salma", I've been playing it non-stop since yesterday. You can download it at their website. Here are the lyrics as well.
سمِّي سلمى يا أختي سلمي أمرك و اتكلي
سلمى صغيرة راح تبكي من أول وهلة راح تشكي
سلمى عيونك يشوفوا الخير يشوفوا أمك بتصلي
تشوفي و تسمعي كل خير ما يهمك خالك بيغني
سلمى صغيرة راح تبكي و راح تملى بيوتنا بالضحكه
و بأعلى صوتها راح تحكي أنا بحبك يا أمي
سلمى عيوني بتستنى تشوف عنيكي و تتمنى
العمر كلو يا سلمى العمر الي بتمناه
العمر الي بتمناه العمر كلو يا سلمى
Verse :
سمِّي سلمى يا أختي سلمي أمرك و اتكلي
سلمى صغيرة راح تبكي من أول وهلة راح تشكي
سلمى عيونك يشوفوا الخير يشوفوا أمك بتصلي
تشوفي و تسمعي كل خير ما يهمك خالك بيغني
سلمى عيوني بتستنى تشوف عنيكي و تتمنى
العمر كلو يا سلمى العمر الي بتمناه
سلمى عيوني بتستنى تشوف عنيكي و تتمنى
سلمى عيوني بتستنى
P.S. Uploading photos to blogger is a major pain effft.
Next week I'm coming if you go
Thanks for the link to the song, i can't stop listening to it either! I had heard of Jadal but never got the chance to hear any of their songs before - thank you :)
Saed, cool :)
Deena, you're most welcome :D
Hi Farah! I've been looking for those t-shirts. I saw one that said "Mansaf Explosion" or something on someone and wanted to get some for gifts.
the link you provide only has two design alternatives (unless I missed a link), where can I see the whole line offered?
Hi Kinzi! I think the one you're talking about is "I survived Mansaf" with a picture of an explosion lol. Here's the link http://wheels-express.com/beta/tinner/t14.html
:) thanks for this post! Didn't know their songs were on site - now proudly on my itunes and blared Jadal over Webdeh all yesterday evening.
walek there are much nicer songs than salma! aziz maraqa has a concert friday mo had ili after it :D :D yayy, btw na2azteeni there, when u said hi i was like huh meen? and then shadi explained lol. :)
Ya I've really gotten to like "Sa2latny" and "El Daraweesh" after I've downloaded them, but "Salma" is just so catchy and heart-warming! I figured shway na2aztek with the stunned look on your face lool. See you at the Aziz Maraqa concert!
okay :D , don't think i am going to know its you :s (sorry) so you better say hi hehe
good articel
I'm missing sou2 jara this summer
=( Jadal is awesome I love sa2altny more except the part "sa2altny meen s7aby o wa7ad taweel o wa7ad gaseer 3a rusghy ga3deen or something" < lol but the bass and solo towards the end is nice listen to it
Suha, ya I love that song! And the solo is amazing...
I haven't been to Jara yet, but I've seen so many pictures of it on Flickr and read a lot about it. I was supposed to visit last summer when I came from the UAE but found no time. I will though this time Inshallah.
Yesterday I was at Prime Cinemas and I ran into the lead singer of Jadal, very down to earth and sweet. We tried to bring them to the UAE as represntatives of Jordanian Music at the Global Day at the American University of SHarjah but it didn't work out. Hopefully this year though.
Love your blog!
And thanks for posting those tees, I just found he perfect birthday gift for my brother =)
*kol shi tamam, ya 7alawa* ---> from the song "el daraweesh" haha I dedicate it to you
I'm glad you liked the blog :D
and you absolutely must go to Jara!
I was in Amman this summer but never got a chance to buy the tshirts!
Do the guys have a website that i could order from or something? I really want to buy a couple as gifts
Please let me know if there's anyway I can get my hands of a couple
Hi Usma,
this website sells their t-shirts online though I'm not sure if they ship internationally. If that doesn't help, here's the link for the Jo Bedu facebook group: http://www.wheels-express.com/t_shirts
Hope this helps :)
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